Fortaleza: The Fortress
So we arrived in Fortaleza, which is portuguese for fortress or stronghold, after getting up at 3:00 am so that would we be at the airport on time. I guess it's kind of difficult and takes time to round up 60 or so missionaries and get them set off to the right places. As we arrived, the beaches looked wonderful. To bad missionaries are not suppose to go swimming. It was very warm and colorful. Our mission president was there waiting with his assistants as well as his wife. President Arias is Argentine and his wife is from Uraguay. We had dinner and a meeting at their house and we recieved a lot of instructions. To bad I didn't understand all of it since he was talking in Portuguese most of the time. He showed us pictures of our trainers. Mine was a brazilian with a scary look on his face. What was I getting into? I would soon find out that we would later become the best of friends. (I suppose he's just not very photogenic.) We went to the mission home to retrieve our luggage and meet our trainers. While we were there, I saw my first cockroach ever. The next two years would prove my war with them.
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